Hej! Hello!
I am Andreas
I am a Lecturer and Program Director at the School of Journalism at the Department of Communication and Media, Lund University. I am also a doctoral student at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki. I conduct research and teach on topics such as journalism practice and digital technology from a comparative international perspective. I am also the co-author of the interviewing handbook ”Öppna frågor – en guide till bättre svar”. Currently, I am writing a doctoral dissertation on foreign aid for media development.
Besides my academic work, I have worked as a freelance journalist for various Swedish and Nordic newspapers and magazines. Many of my articles have been produced in Southeast Asia, primarily in Vietnam. In 2014, I received an honorary award from the Swedish Red Cross for my reporting on boat refugees arriving in Sweden during the early 1990s. I have previously worked as a reporter and editor at Swedish news organizations such as Sydsvenskan, Sveriges Radio, Aftonbladet, and Gotlands Tidningar.

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